Medicas program for dual eligible seniors offered through the Minnesota Senior Health Options programs combines medical care coordination and psycho-social support to help seniors live independently in the community.
Two-midnight rule stirs controversy.
While EDs are designed to respond to acute care needs, they are often inundated by patients with complex medical, social, and behavioral health problems .
When you have patients who are joined at the hip with their smartphones or electronic tablets, it doesnt make any sense to use any other technology to engage them and communicate with them.
Use technology carefully and keep personal connections.
If youre not using technology in your case management practice, youre doing yourself, your organization, and your patients a disservice, experts say.
As the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) make yet another change in the regulations regarding "observation status, the confusion continues over when a patient qualifies or doesn't qualify for this type of care, and what is at stake in these decisions for patients and providers.