U.S. public health authorities urged health providers to raise their awareness about Ebola virus as two American health care workers became ill with the often fatal disease while caring for infected patients in Liberia. At about the same time, a Liberian man became ill with Ebola and traveled by plane to Lagos, Nigeria, where he died in a hospital.
At Carolinas HealthCare System, an Advanced Illness Management (AIM) team targets patients with multiple health issues and frequent hospitalizations and emergency department visits.
Although the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) asked for suggestions on alternative methods of identifying and paying for short hospital stays, the agency did not clarify the two-midnight rule in the Inpatient Prospective Payment System final rule for 2015.
A significant portion of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 2015 Inpatient Prospective Payment System final rule focuses on quality and raises the percentage of the Medicare base payment hospitals can lose if they perform poorly.
As part of its mission to cut costs and improve quality, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has launched a pilot project that pays a fixed price for health services by multiple providers over a period of time.
Asking local experts to help employees improve their health at minimal or no cost is a great way to keep program costs low or even completely free.
Costly consultants. Personal trainers. Health coaches. Nutritionists. These are some examples of occupational health and wellness programs that might be candidates for cost-cutting, as companies seek to improve their bottom lines.
This is the last of a three-part series on how occupational health professionals can survive in a down economy. This month, we cover how to explore other opportunities in occupational health if your department faces downsizing.
Because the average UPS driver walks four and one-half miles a day, you'd think it would be difficult to convince them to come in early for a two-mile warm-up walk, but they do. This is just one example of how the company's Petaluma, CA, facility succeeded in changing the lifestyles of its workers.