As a case manager, your job involves being an advocate for your patients as well as keeping your hospital's best interest in mind. That means you need to be informed about the financial aspects of patient care.
[Editor's note: This is the second part of a multi-part series on demonstrating the value of case management to your organization. Last month, we discussed the vast array of financial and clinical outcome measures to evaluate the effectiveness of your department as well as to demonstrate its impact on the bottom line of the organization. This month, we discuss the tremendous amount of data that can be collected and used for performance improvement, within the department and across the institution. Next month, examples of case management report cards will show how to present this data in a usable format.]
The utilization of services by self-pay patients has increased by 6.9% over the last fiscal year at St. Joseph's Hospital and Candler Hospital, both in Savannah, GA, says Susan M. Younggreen, director of patient financial services.
There is no shortage of discussion on how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will change things for patients and providers, but big changes are also in store for occupational health.
All signs in health care reform point to preventive incentives. Paul Papanek, MD, MPH, chairman of the board for the San Francisco, CA-based Western Occupational Environmental Medical Association and former chief of the occupational health service for the Kaiser on the Job Program in Los Angeles, expects to see these changes in occupational health as a result of health care reform:
It's highly unlikely that a costly piece of machinery would get absolutely no maintenance for years in your workplace. This is what's happening to employees who are exposed over time to risk factors for musculoskeletal diseases, warns Susan Murphey, BS, CECD, president of Essential WorkWellness in Shoreline, WA.
If you only count the musculoskeletal injuries reported in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Form 300, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, you may be left with insufficient evidence that a prevention program is justified.
You probably know, more than anybody else in the workplace, which workers have the greatest potential for positive health changes, says Dawn Stone, RN, a nurse practitioner and former occupational health nurse at Miller's Brewing Company, University of California Los Angeles' Occupational Health Facility and Northrop.
If an employee reports shoulder soreness, this could be caused by her job, sports activities she does on weekends, or both. "Risk factors and the mechanism of injury are often both unclear with repetitive strain injuries," says Susan Murphey, BS, CECD, president of Essential WorkWellness in Shoreline, WA.