Employee Management
Is Breakdown of the Physician-Patient Relationship Driving Burnout?
The lead author of a recent commentary on the elusive nature of burnout raised a few eyebrows with a provocative title, “Physician Burnout—A Serious Symptom, But of What?”
Burnout Difficult to Define, Measure in Prevalence Data
"Physician burnout” is a catchphrase in employee health, but there is little agreement on how to define it, resulting in even less understanding of how to measure, treat, and prevent it.
New Illinois Law to Protect HCWs From Violence
Effective Jan. 1, 2019, the Illinois Health Care Violence Prevention Act includes information on providing medical care to committed persons.
Illinois Becomes Latest State to Enact Law to Prevent Healthcare Violence
Effective Jan. 1, 2019, Illinois has passed a sweeping state law to protect healthcare workers from violence after a horrific assault on two nurses last year by a prisoner who had disarmed a guard.
What Does Population Health Really Mean for Case Managers and Social Workers?
Population health has a fundamental goal to help high-risk individuals with chronic conditions to remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
Case Managers Can Help With Overcrowded EDs and Hospitals
The key to improving bed flow and efficiency is to implement a program that increases morning discharges, freeing up space earlier for additional patients.
Psychiatrist Liable for Excessive Prescribing, Leading to Patient’s Death and $2 Million Verdict
Medical care providers, including physicians, clinics, and hospitals, are responsible for keeping up-to-date about any newly discovered side effects or dangers inherent in the drugs they prescribe to their patients.
Hospital Liable for $29.5 Million for Delayed Treatment of Allergic Reaction During CT Scan
This serious injury and significant verdict demonstrate the requirement not only that hospitals must create effective policies and procedures for patients experiencing adverse outcomes but actually implement and follow those procedures.
More Robust Informed Consent Needed for Telemedicine
This modality requires an emphasis on making sure patients understand the limitations of telemedicine at the same time it is being promoted as the new, modern way to interact with healthcare professionals.
NIST Report Shows Threats to Medical Devices
A draft report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology examines cybersecurity vulnerabilities and privacy risks related to the medical devices connected to the internet of things.