Employee Management
Efforts to Prevent Healthcare Violence Gain Momentum
There are signs that the historical complacency and “part-of-the-job” acceptance of healthcare violence is ending.
Plan Ahead to Integrate Technology for Efficient Workflow
Healthcare organizations and case managers have room for improvement in how they integrate technology into their workflows.
Dedicated Case Managers Can Improve ED Efficiency
Hospitals can help eliminate ED inefficiency with targeted case management programs that have the goal of getting people into the right level of care at the right location.
Case Managers Should Beware of Medicare Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Issues
All hospital employees, including case managers, should receive frequent compliance training that includes information about how to prevent compliance problems.
Separating Utilization Review, Case Management Creates Transitional Care Coordinator Role
Hospitals that still assign case managers to utilization review and care coordination at discharge might consider separating the duties to improve care quality.
Nursing Shortage or Not? It Depends on Location
Although reports often emerge with predictions of a pending nursing shortage, some evidence also points to the opposite: plenty of new nursing graduates to meet the demand.
American Hospital Association Sues CMS Over Final Rule Changes to OPPS Payments
The American Hospital Association has sued the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to prevent changes to how Medicare reimburses care in hospital outpatient departments.
Nonoperating Physician Found Exempt From Liability
This matter provides several insights as to the duty of care in medical malpractice suits, the legal relationships among physicians working within the same practice or at the same facility, the respective burdens of proof, and the roles of expert opinion testimony.
Improper Medication Leads to Patient’s Death, $10 Million Verdict
In this case, both parties relied heavily on expert opinions to attempt to prove or disprove the causal link between the course of treatment chosen and the onset of the ischemic colitis that led to the patient’s death.
Emergency Preparedness Pays Off When Water Supply Lost
A Utah health system confirmed the value of emergency preparedness when it was faced with a severe water shortage after a wildfire.