Employee Management
CRNAs Manage Risk Through Improved Consent, Documentation
Certified registered nurse anesthetists face liability risks unique to their profession, and risk managers can assist them by reminding them of the potential pitfalls in their work and the best ways to minimize their exposure.
Use Claims Analysis to Find Actionable Data, Not Just Global Data
Closed claims analyses can have limitations when recommending improved practices for clinicians. Strive for actionable information rather than global data.
Notorious Nurse Arrest Still Causes Subpoena Worries
The case drew attention to hospital policies and procedures regarding subpoenas and other demands from law enforcement, particularly how frontline clinicians can be left on their own to refuse police officers.
Subpoenas Require Response Plan, Staff Education on Proper Steps
Hospitals and health systems receive many subpoenas demanding information or the appearance of individuals in a legal matter, and it is easy to lose sight of how important it is to respond appropriately. Improperly responding to a subpoena can result in legal difficulties and damage the outcome of the related litigation.
CMS Changes Nursing Home Compare, May Drop Star Ratings
CMS recently announced significant changes to Nursing Home Compare and the Five-Star Quality Rating System. The agency also says that it is considering abandoning the star ratings for hospitals completely.
Optima Health Applies SDOH With Nutrition Programs, Mobile Healthcare
Social determinants of health continue to influence quality improvement efforts across the healthcare system, with a Virginia health plan and health system using the data to improve nutrition and even provide mobile vans to take services into the community.
Health System Uses Predictive Analytics to Reduce Readmissions
Advocate Aurora Health is reporting success with a program that uses predictive analytics to identify outpatients with an increased risk of unnecessary hospitalization. Those patients are then provided special intervention to prevent admissions.
Many Homeless Individuals Need Mental Health, Substance Use Treatment
New research shows that homeless people with substance use disorders are hospitalized and visit EDs significantly less often when they are provided supportive housing.
Collaboration to Help Homeless Patients Works When a Quarterback Leads the Team
The Center for Housing and Health serves as the quarterback for the Better Health Through Housing program in Chicago. The collaborative includes an alliance of 28 supportive housing agencies across Chicago and Cook County.
Personal Protective Equipment Doffing Errors, Contamination Still Common
Personal protective equipment doffing errors were common in a study of healthcare workers treating patients under contact isolation for multidrug-resistant organisms, researchers report. The study has implications for worker safety as well, as the type of doffing errors described could lead to occupational infections with much more dangerous pathogens like Ebola.