Employee Management
With Presenteeism Rampant, CDC May Strengthen Occupational Health Guidelines
The issue of healthcare personnel working sick — and the policies that incentivize them to do so — was the subject of much discussion at a recent meeting of the CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee.
Interdisciplinary Care Rounds: A Key Strategy for Improving Case Management Outcomes, Part 4
This month concludes the four-part series on the topic of interdisciplinary care rounds. This issue will focus on talking points for rounds, documentation related to rounds, measuring the success of rounds, and how to manage the rounding process in the future.
AHA: Hold Off on Star Ratings Until CMS Can Fix Problems
Problems with the structure and execution of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services star ratings are so serious that the agency should halt their use until repairs can be made, according to a letter sent by the American Hospital Association to the government agency.
Privately Paid Care Management: Emerging Service Provides Advocacy and More
A privately paid care manager is a care option when an elderly patient does not have family close by. This is a service that has emerged to fill a need of the “sandwich generation” — adult children trying to coordinate care for elderly parents who live far away. The care manager often is a nurse, social worker, gerontologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or other health-related professional.
Age-Friendly Initiative: Is Your Hospital Ready?
Case managers see it all the time: an older adult who has difficulty navigating the healthcare system. And, too often, this difficulty can lead to 30-day readmissions because the patient did not receive optimal care.
Maternal Mortality Risks Include Accidents and Domestic Violence
Some maternal injuries are caused by accidents and intimate partner violence. Case managers should be alert to signs and symptoms and educate about prevention.
Hospitals Sometimes Diagnose Critical Obstetric Illness Too Late
The key to setting up a program for recognizing and managing maternal compromise is to create a team and train staff on how to recognize early warning signs.
The Joint Commission's New Perinatal Safety Standards Explained
Hospital Case Management asked Jennifer Hurlburt, MSN, RN, APN/CNS, associate director of The Joint Commission’s department of standards and survey methods, to answer a few questions about TJC’s Proposed Standards for Perinatal Safety, published April 17, 2019.
Ethics of Cellphone Use in Clinic Waiting Rooms
Ethical issues related to patient cellphone use center around the physician-patient relationship. At issue: How to balance the value of both physicians’ and patients’ time.
New Data Shed Light on Scientific Misconduct
Publication pressure is one of the strongest predictors of research misconduct.