Employee Management
Ethical Considerations for Complex Discharges
What will you do if a patient refuses prescribed treatment? If the patient does not follow doctor’s orders, how will you advise them? If adult children will not let you tell the patient his diagnosis, what will you do? These are common situations in healthcare. Each raises an ethical dilemma for hospital case managers.
Case Management Leaders Should Identify Sustainable Solutions
Hospital case management leaders have found their departments evolving in recent years, often to include practices and models that focus on population health goals. As care coordinators and case managers move toward transitions that incorporate these goals, one challenge is sustainability. New research provides a model for sustaining a collaborative practice model that advances population health.
Mandates for Discharging Homeless Patients Take Effect in California
California recently enacted a law that addresses this issue by requiring hospitals to follow a prescribed plan for identifying and safely discharging homeless patients. SB 1152 outlines specific discharge planning measures for homeless patients in acute care hospitals.
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FDA Releases Q&A for COVID-19 and Clinical Trials
The Food and Drug Administration recently released updated guidance on conducting clinical trials of medical products during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new version of the guidelines includes a question-and-answer section that clarifies some emergency changes affecting human research protection policies and procedures.
SBER Programs Face Challenges with Revised Common Rule
Social-behavioral-educational research programs have always faced challenges fitting their work into the parameters of human research protection rules and regulations devised with biomedical research in mind. But the revised Common Rule has produced new issues with informed consent.
IRB Members Can Build Good Relationships in Virtual Space
One long-time virtual IRB has learned how to develop camaraderie and rapport among IRB members without ever meeting in person — or seeing each other’s faces.
Keeping Open Dialogue Part of Virtual IRB Meeting Plan
A full-time virtual IRB gives advice on bringing IRB meetings online during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research Group Increased Minority Participation by 533%
One barrier to enrolling minorities in research involves resources. For some studies, such as pediatric oncology clinical trials, there might not be enough resources to enroll one or two patients at a single site.
Diversity and Inclusion Go Beyond Race and Ethnicity
Researchers assessing the demographic statistics of All of Us Research Program participants prioritized enrolling racial, ethnic, and other minorities that, historically, have been underrepresented in clinical trials. The researchers concluded studies need to incorporate more diverse factors as key variables to ensure inclusion and identify barriers that limit research participation.