Employee Management
Disparities Found When Women Visit Reproductive Health Providers
Results of a new study revealed Black women are more likely to be asked about their sexual risk behavior and condom use than are white women in sexual health counseling settings.
Engaging Young Males in Family Planning Settings
By the time most American adolescents reach the age of 13 they stop seeing a pediatrician. Young females most often transition seamlessly to a provider for gynecologic and contraceptive needs that connects them, even if loosely, to providers who can flag health issues beyond gynecological needs. However, young males often do not have a regular healthcare provider who serves as a gatekeeper for their ongoing health needs.
Study Reveals Connection Between Condom Use and Sexual Stimuli Response
Researchers studied a population of young adult women at risk of sexually transmitted infections and HIV. They hypothesized that women with higher positive affective bias to sexual stimuli would report higher sexual risk behaviors. But the opposite proved to be true.
Study Results Highlight Challenge of Ruling out Pregnancy During Contraceptive Counseling
The recommended ways of ruling out patient pregnancy before starting a new contraceptive include a pregnancy test, the date of the patient’s last unprotected sexual intercourse, and the patient’s symptoms. But there often are cases where it is difficult to rule out pregnancy.
Model Contraceptive Program Increased LARC Access Among Title X Clients
The Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate led to an increase in injectable contraceptives, but did not help improve access to long-acting, reversible contraceptives, research revealed.
Family Planning Centers Looking for Solutions in a Difficult Era
In recent years, family planning clinics have faced many obstacles to providing contraceptive access to all patients who need it. Access issues worsened under changes to Title X and the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that allows some employers to opt out of providing contraception coverage. Reproductive health experts worry these recent changes — and COVID-19’s effect on access — could result in more unintended pregnancies.
Supreme Court’s Contraception Ruling Could Affect Women Nationwide
The Affordable Care Act mandated that employers provide contraceptive coverage to workers at no cost. In July, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed a Trump administration regulation to let employers with religious or moral objections opt out of the mandate.
The Case Manager’s Toolbox: The Essential Skills of an Effective Case Manager, Part 4
This month, we will end our discussion on case management skills, tools, and techniques with an in-depth review of the concept of communication, particularly in the role of the case management professional.
Simulation Can Improve Staff PPE Safety
It is important for healthcare workers to learn and practice the correct way to wear personal protective equipment. One helpful technique is to use medical simulation.
Medical Marijuana and Patient Treatment
If a patient asks about medical marijuana, how will you respond? Are you familiar with the legalities and science to advise your patient? The legalities are complex, but the bottom line is this: medical marijuana is gaining support nationwide.