Employee Management
‘Masks Work’: CDC Urges Public to Follow Healthcare Worker Example
Public health officials are citing a hospital study on the efficacy of mask use among healthcare workers and patients in preventing COVID-19 transmission to support recommendations recommendations for universal masking in the community.
Impaired Clinicians Need Attention Now More Than Ever
The burnout and additional stress brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic may be leading more clinicians to abuse alcohol and drugs. It is critical that quality and peer review leaders be on the lookout for such impairment.
7 Steps to Better HIPAA Compliance at Home
Leaders can use this checklist to help remote workers comply with regulations.
HIPAA Compliance a Concern as Working from Home Becomes Norm
It is possible for remote employees to breach protocols, but they can protect information with vigilance.
Tips to Help Collect Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data
This information collected at registration is for patients’ benefit. It is a way to identify the population the hospital serves, compare outcomes, and find areas that need improvement. When patients and registrars understand this, the process is easier.
Easier to Ask for Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data if Registrars Know Why
Hospitals want to show care processes and outcomes are not different based on patient race or ethnicity. Facilities do that by collect the data, and then stratifying the whole range of hospital quality measures by race and ethnicity.
Congress Considers Legislation Addressing Healthcare Provider Mental Health
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed historic burdens on already-taxed frontline clinicians.
Workforce Well-Being Takes on Added Significance as COVID-19 Battle Continues
With frontline healthcare workers across the country facing unprecedented burdens, there is ample evidence of stress, anxiety, and other behavioral health concerns. Experts note it is critical for leaders to prioritize workforce well-being, and to facilitate connections to treatment and other forms of support, as needed.
COVERED Project Seeks to Protect ED Personnel from COVID-19
This is an issue loaded with nuance. Much depends on such factors as how someone works in the emergency department (ED), what procedures they perform, what specific practices they use when performing those procedures, and how often they are exposed. A multidimensional study that seeks to capture all these complexities is well underway, with the goal of delivering solid answers to nurses, physicians, and even many nonclinical personnel who staff EDs across the United States.
Stress Linked to STIs, Poor Sexual Health of Black Women
Black women with high levels of stress are more likely to experience sexually transmitted infections and poor sexual and reproductive health, according to the authors of new research.