Employee Management
Colleges Turn to Case Management in Response to Gun Violence
Some colleges created case management positions to help troubled students in the years following the 2007 Virginia Tech gun massacre. Case managers help students with crises, emergencies, and medical and behavioral health problems.
Is It Time for a Mask Mandate?
With COVID-19 surging nationally, there are increasing calls for a national mask mandate for the public. There appears to be sufficient evidence to support such a measure as we enter a winter of considerable discontent.
Flu Deaths in Children, Vaccination Hesitancy
Although COVID-19 certainly has caused some infections and deaths in children, they generally have fared well against the virus compared to other age groups. Influenza, on the other hand, can cause severe disease in children.
Emergency Physicians Are Suffering as COVID-19 Resurges
A new survey by the American College of Emergency Physicians, conducted in October, revealed that 87% of emergency physicians say they are more stressed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, 72% report experiencing more professional burnout.
The Age of Misinformation and Vaccine Hesitancy
Within this broader disinformation is specific distrust of the vaccines under development for COVID-19. In addition, the messaging of doing something potentially dangerous at “warp speed,” along with media descriptions of a “race to a vaccine,” have made people nervous.
The Key Question About COVID-19 Vaccines: Are They Safe?
The sheer size of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials will enhance prelicensure safety and efficacy evaluation. Many post-market evaluations are in development to bolster existing surveillance for adverse events.
COVID-19 May Be Affecting Nursing Discipline, But No Data Yet
There is some concern about whether the healthcare industry’s response to COVID-19 will affect the way it addresses concerns about nursing performance, similar to recent concerns about an apparent drop in physician discipline since the pandemic began. So far, data related to nursing discipline are not showing any decline.
COVID-19 Vaccine Imminent, but No Magic Bullet Expected
As the continuing global pandemic threatens to overwhelm the medical response, there are tempered expectations about an imminent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine to protect the battered healthcare workforce. The Food and Drug Administration is not expecting a magic bullet, saying it would accept a vaccine with 50% efficacy as long as they are confident it would be no lower than 30% effective.
Improved ICU Physician Staffing Leads to Better Safety Grade
When Doylestown Hospital in Pennsylvania received a C on the Spring 2016 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, leaders launched a campaign to improve patient safety. A central tactic was adapting its staffing model to meet Leapfrog’s ICU Physician Staffing criteria.
Hospital Sharply Reduces CDS Alerts to Address Clinician Concerns
Indiana University Health realized its clinical decision support system was overwhelming clinicians with alerts. Read on to learn how leaders acted to improve the process.