Employee Management
Case Management Leaders Can Help Staff Weather Ongoing Crisis
Research on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses, physicians, and other healthcare workers across the world shows disturbing levels of anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, and suicide. The authors of one study estimate the prevalence of burnout among registered nurses in the United States to range from 35% to 45%.
Leading the Charge in 2021: Managing Capacity
Approaching one year after COVID-19 began spreading in the United States, case managers are considering how to make the most of their new perspective in 2021 and beyond. The pandemic has shone a light on case management program and healthcare facility weaknesses, but also has brought new opportunities for leadership and advocacy. What can case managers do to maximize these opportunities and avoid pitfalls?
Accreditation Program Elevates Pain and Addiction Care in the ED
Long before the COVID-19 pandemic, frontline providers were confronting an epidemic of patients struggling with opioid use disorders (OUD). Recognizing the urgent need for improvement in this area, the American College of Emergency Physicians is rolling out a new accreditation program that is aimed at nudging EDs across the country to up their game when it comes to both the treatment of pain and the way they manage patients who present with OUD.
Try Using Telehealth to Diagnose and Manage Patients with Dizziness
Appreciating the need for more guidance in this area, an international task force comprised of physician-scientists from 10 countries developed consensus-based guidelines to help frontline providers diagnose and triage patients with dizziness over a telehealth or virtual platform.
Researchers Study the Effects of Intensive Primary Care
A case management-type of model, called primary care intensive management, could provide some limited benefits for more complex patients, research shows. But the research also suggests questions about how population health resources are best spent.
Follow-Up Is Crucial but Difficult for Case Managers During Pandemic
The pandemic exacerbated social determinants of health problems for many patients seen by case managers. Case managers had to find new resources for patients, including aid from the CARES Act.
As Pandemic Rages, Case Managers Can Focus on Crisis Management
Crisis management is important to case management leaders and their teams as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations sharply increased through the end of 2020.
IRB Websites Can Offer a Wealth of Useful Tools
An important and useful function of an IRB’s website is its ability to give researchers — as well as the public — access to a wide variety of forms, guidance, and tools. When created well, an IRB’s website can be easy to navigate. It also should be updated with new and revised information regularly. Like crowdsourcing websites and with permission, an IRB’s website also can adopt and adapt tools that researchers and other IRBs have found useful.
Investigators Benefit from Using Online Self-Auditing Tools
One method to improve regulatory compliance while maintaining IRB efficiency lies in teaching investigators how to conduct self-audits of their protocols and studies.
Self-Assessing IRB Operations Can Help HRPPs Stay Compliant, on Track
If an IRB sets a goal of greater efficiency, then giving researchers self-assessment tools and using self-auditing tools on IRB operations is a method that can work. These tools can help study coordinators and investigators turn their study protocol submissions from a hot mess into a submission that is mostly compliant and easier to pre-review.