Employee Management
Understanding Emergency Use Authorization Issues with COVID-19 Vaccine
Current COVID-19 vaccines have not undergone the process for full FDA approval, but have been authorized under a streamlined process known as an emergency use authorization. Because of this, the vaccines are technically considered experimental and are subject to regulations that may affect whether employers are permitted to mandate their use by employees.
EEOC Says Employers Can Mandate Vaccines — with Exceptions
Under certain circumstances, employers are permitted to mandate their employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of their employment. That position was outlined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in guidance published in December 2020. However, this guidance is not without its limits.
HIPAA Issues Can Arise with COVID-19 Vaccinations
HIPAA can become an issue if healthcare employers require proof that employees have received a COVID-19 vaccine. Under HIPAA, immunization records are protected health information.
Vaccine Rollout Brings Legal, Labor Concerns for Employers
As the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines continues, healthcare employers face complicated questions about what they can require of employees, how to handle employees who refuse the vaccine, and other potential legal consequences that may result in the coming months.
Consultants Need Preparation for Common Ethics Challenges
Shadowing experienced ethics consultants and participating in debriefings after consults with other members of the ethics team are top priorities for ethics training.
Ethics Consultants Want More Training for First Jobs
Clinical bioethics training programs serve a wide variety of individuals, some with clinical backgrounds, others with PhDs. Most graduates indicated that their basic training in ethics was adequate. Still, many wanted more training in quality improvement skills, including some exposure to quality improvement methodology. They also wanted to learn how to negotiate for resources and how to communicate with hospital leadership.
Should Family Planning Clinics Volunteer to Vaccinate Patients?
One of the biggest challenges this spring will be to find enough trained medical staff and ambulatory sites to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people within a six- to seven-month time frame. Family planning centers might be lower on the priority list for vaccination because they serve a younger population.
Providers Can Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy Among Staff
As the COVID-19 vaccine was rolled out in the United States, many healthcare workers refused vaccination. Reproductive healthcare centers will need to obtain staff buy-in as they begin a vaccination program.
How Family Planning Providers Can Handle Challenges of COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
The coronavirus vaccine rollout faces challenges from logistical supply issues and vaccine hesitancy among healthcare staff and the general public. From a reproductive health provider perspective, the big question is how to handle the rollout and overcome challenges on both the supply and demand sides.
Emerging Coronavirus Variants Are Highly Transmissible
More transmissible variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are emerging globally and had been detected in three U.S. states as this report was filed. The mutated strains do not appear more virulent, but the enhanced transmission narrows the margin of error for breaks in personal protective equipment and other exposures as healthcare workers begin to take their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccines.