Emergency Publication
Truth in Healthcare Advertising: What's In a Name?
Controversy emerges over recent change from “physician assistant” to “physician associate.” -
TJC Offers Tips to Boost Smart Infusion Pump Safety
Smart infusion pumps are nearly ubiquitous in acute care settings across the country today, representing a big step forward in infusion safety. However, errors still can occur. The Joint Commission notes errors usually are attributable to a combination of human and technical risk factors. -
Treat Comorbid Substance Use with Motivational Interviewing, Navigational Assistance
Research has shown a highly personalized intervention designed for hospitalized patients with comorbid substance use problems can significantly reduce subsequent readmissions and ED visits. -
Feds Ease X-Waiver Training Requirements, Emergency Providers Advocate Further Action
In the continuing tussle over whether providers should have to obtain an X-waiver to prescribe buprenorphine, the Biden administration has staked out some middle ground, at least for now. -
Include Cognitive Psychology in the Discussion of Diagnostic Errors
To effectively address diagnostic improvement, clinicians should understand some concepts around how people reason and the common pitfalls that can lead to errors. -
Charting a Better Way Forward in Addressing Diagnostic Errors
Preventing diagnostic errors has proven difficult. Many of these errors are captured through passive reporting, and systems are not in place to help clinicians learn from such errors. Using active surveillance could uncover more errors, bring those to the attention of clinicians, and provide a teaching moment (not a punishment moment) to prevent those errors from repeating. -
Bloodborne Pathogens
In the acute care setting, clinicians may be confronted with a child who has had a nonoccupational blood and/or body fluid exposure. Being prepared with a focused approach and the ability to identify the multiple factors that may adjust the risk of contracting bloodborne pathogens is valuable in such exposures. The authors provide a focused approach to nonoccupational blood and/or body fluid exposure, as well as a discussion of each of the bloodborne pathogens.
Protecting At-Risk Patients from Self-Harm in the ED
Researchers try to create a safer environment to keep patients and staff alike safe.
Confusion, Skepticism Abound Regarding Convalescent Plasma as a COVID-19 Therapeutic
From collection to analysis to reporting, it seems everyone registered a complaint about the entire process.
Teen Pregnancy Part 1: The First Trimester
Acute care providers will frequently encounter an adolescent with a new diagnosis of pregnancy or a known pregnancy (complicated or uncomplicated). The unique features of teenage pregnancy are critical to be familiar with, so as not to miss the diagnosis of pregnancy or identify a complication and initiate timely, appropriate management.