Emergency Medicine Topics
Consensus Panel Offers Guidance for Pediatric Mental Health Boarding
EDs nationwide continue to see pediatric mental health patients boarded in the department for long periods while awaiting inpatient bed placement. A group of 23 experts from 17 health systems sought to identify what EDs are facing, to learn how departments are handling the problem, and to offer recommendations to standardize practices.
Boarded Mental Health Patients: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Many EDs routinely board mental health patients for days on end, awaiting transfer to a mental health facility. An expert offers tips to help emergency medicine providers alleviate safety and medical/legal risks.
Delivering an Evidence-Based Intervention to Latino Patients with Alcohol Use Disorders
Automated tools offer a viable approach for addressing alcohol-related healthcare disparities in busy emergency departments.
ICU Admission Means Trouble for Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients
If they are released, such patients are twice as likely to die soon after discharge.
Ethical Guidance for Research on Dying or Recently Deceased ICU Patients
There are no authoritative international ethical guidelines governing research on dying or recently deceased individuals. A group of investigators sought to start a conversation about challenges and potential solutions. They developed a preliminary framework for the ethical conduct of research with imminently dying patients.
ICU Staff Report Severe Moral Distress, But Resources Are Underused
Unresolved ethical concerns not only cause individual moral distress, but can also change the staff relationships and clinical cohesiveness.
Ethicists Hold Debriefings After Critical Patient Events
In the emotionally charged, fast-paced ICU, clinicians are faced with death and dying daily. Engaging in open, honest communication about these situations will help build a moral and ethical community.
New Advances in Cardiac Arrest Treatment
Cardiac arrest requires emergent medical intervention, with the goal of perfusing the brain and other major organs while attempting to reverse the underlying etiology causing the arrest.
Progress on Pediatric Readiness in EDs Continues
The pandemic slowed progress and not all emergency departments fully adhere to national guidelines, but continuous improvement is evident.
AAP Advocates Placing Outpatient Pharmacies in Emergency Departments
The pediatrics group suggests this around-the-clock service would ensure more patients fill vital prescriptions.