Emergency Medicine Topics
The Capacity Conundrum in Emergency Medicine
A patient’s capacity to give informed consent or to leave the emergency department against medical advice is a topic of great relevance to emergency clinicians. This article discusses the difference between competence and capacity and highlights the four essential elements involved in the assessment of a patient’s capacity.
Evaluation and Management of Anaphylaxis in the Emergency Department
For emergency physicians, anaphylaxis can be a challenging diagnosis to make. This article will present the most current information for diagnosing allergic reactions and anaphylaxis, and how to treat them properly.
Penetrating Extremity Trauma: Part I
Penetrating extremity trauma is a potentially devastating injury that must be identified and managed expeditiously. Early hemorrhage control may be life-saving. This two-part article comprehensively addresses the approach and management of penetrating extremity trauma, highlighting controversies and advances.
Common Foot Problems
Foot problems are a common chief complaint. Patients may present to the ED when they do not have access to other sources of care or when an exacerbation becomes painful enough. Although these foot problems rarely are considered emergencies, it is useful for the emergency physician to be knowledgeable about these conditions to provide sound advice to patients and appropriate referral.
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Evaluation and Management of Ectopic Pregnancy in the Emergency Department
Ectopic pregnancy has significant health consequences and represents an important cause of morbidity and mortality for women of reproductive age. Making the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy expeditiously is critical to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with the condition.
End-Stage Renal Disease, Hyperkalemia, and Dialysis
Evaluation and management of patients with end-stage renal disease and patients on hemodialysis can be challenging because they are at risk for a multitude of complications.
An Evidence-Based Review of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Evaluation and Management in the Emergency Department
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a common presentation to the ED, and patients can present at any age with varying complexity and severity.
Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department
Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) is performed in the emergency department (ED) to alleviate anxiety, decrease pain, and provide amnesia to patients undergoing painful procedures or diagnostic imaging.This article will review guidelines for performing PSA in the ED, including suggested training, preprocedural assessment, and intraprocedural monitoring.
The Emergency Department Management of Precipitous Delivery and Neonatal Resuscitation
Emergency department providers should be familiar with the correct procedures to manage pregnancies, births, and subsequent neonatal resuscitations when they occur unexpectedly in the ED.