Emergency Medicine Topics
Emergency Department Evaluation of Vertigo and Dizziness
Vertigo can be a complicated complaint for emergency medicine physicians to manage. The differential for this is broad, ranging from benign processes, such as BPPV, to more devastating causes, such as posterior strokes.
Wrongful Prolongation of Life Suits Persist, Even When a Patient’s Status Was DNR
Regardless of training or good intentions to preserve life, at the end of the day, this is the patient's choice.
Ethicists’ Role if Clinicians Disregard Documented End-of-Life Wishes
Early involvement of the ethics team can be helpful. After an initial assessment, the healthcare team should arrange a family meeting with surrogates, clinicians, the ethics team, social workers, and other appropriate individuals (e.g., clergy). This should happen as soon as possible, no later than the following day. The ethics team should facilitate an honest and compassionate discussion about the plan to best honor the patient’s end-of-life decisions.
Ethicists Can Resolve Conflicts Over Nutrition Therapy at End of Life
When deciding whether to administer, withhold, or withdraw end-of-life nutrition and hydration therapy, ethicists can help clinicians, patients, and families reach an equitable agreement.
New Ethical Guidance on End-of-Life Nutrition Therapy
The guidance is intended to help clinicians understand what medically assisted nutrition and hydration can and cannot accomplish for different groups of patients.
Intimate Partner Violence
Domestic violence and abuse is a national and global healthcare problem with massive consequences, affecting men, women, and children, which worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Awareness, recognition, and resource allocation, in addition to trauma management, is an important aspect of emergent care of the trauma patient possibly injured in a domestic violence incident.
Florida Hospital Tests Safety Bundle to Improve Alarm Management
With better communication and training, staff on a surgical ICU improved their responses to emergency alarms and alleviated alert fatigue.
Congressional Proposal Would Reward Clinicians Who Practice in Rural Areas
The bill would expand medical school loan forgiveness in exchange for working in remote, underserved areas.
A Review of Depression in the Emergency Department
Depression is a worldwide public health problem. A disproportionate number of patients experiencing depression will be seen in emergency departments, many of them for unrelated medical issues.
Feds Greenlight Expanded Naloxone Availability
The FDA has approved the nasal spray version of the opioid overdose reversal agent for over-the-counter sales.