This is the second and final part in a series on chemical warfare agents. Part I focused on choking agents, vesicants, and halogenated oximes. This article will cover nerve agents, blood agents, and protective gear.
The potential of chemical warfare agents should be of overwhelming concern to civilian emergency physicians and prehospital providers. As General Pershing warned after World War I, the effect is so deadly to the unprepared that we can never afford to neglect the question.
In the constantly shifting landscape of drug resistance, antibiotic options, and pharmacoeconomic considerations, urinary tract infection continues to be one of the most frequently diagnosed conditions in patients presenting to the emergency department.
Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed several changes to EMTALA that attempt to clarify hospital and physician duties. Undoubtedly, this new legislation will have an impact upon the care of emergency patients and the emergency physicians caring for them.
This article reviews the pathophysiology involved in the newborn with congenital heart disease and familiarizes the reader with the nomenclature and known complications encountered in the care of these children.
This article, the second of two parts, deals with the potentially disastrous situation in which either the patients airway presents a substantial challenge or standard intubation methods have failed.
The demographics of our foreign-born population have undergone a polar shift during the past 50 years. Europeans once made up the majority of new arrivals, but Asians and Latin Americans now predominate. Part II of this series will familiarize physicians with some of the infections and diseases specific to immigrants from particular regions of the world.
As the number of foreign-born individuals in the United States continues to grow, the emergency physician must be adept at handling the medical issues unique to this population.
Thomson American Health Consultants offers the Hospital Handbook on Smallpox Vaccination, a facilitywide resource for the information you need about smallpox vaccination in most health care facilities.