Emergency Medicine General
Special Feature: The Electrocardiogram in Wellens’ Syndrome
Among the many electrocardiographic findings indicative of acute coronary syndromes, the emergency physician must be familiar with the characteristics of the pre-infarction stage of coronary artery disease known as Wellens syndrome. -
Trauma Reports Supplement
One year later: Emergency department response to biological terrorism, part II - smallpox, viral hemorrhagic fevers, tularemia, and botulinum toxins -
Geriatric Emergency Medicine Reports Supplement: Malignancy Complications in the Elderly
Procedural Sedation, Part II
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement
Don’t rely on staffing ratios alone: Here are cutting-edge strategies to use
ED Benchmarking Success: Toyota’s tips drive dramatic ED improvements
How a common problem is solved with Toyota system
Emergency center health unit coordinator job description
Joint Commission Update: Comply with new standard for disaster volunteers