Using retrospective cohort data from a national survey of medical and mixed medical-surgical ICUs, this study found that nurse practitioner (NP)/physician assistant (PA) staffing was common and not associated with any differences in in-hospital mortality compared to ICUs without NP/PAs.
Dehydration is an independent predictor of discharge outcome and admission cost in acute ischaemic stroke.
Reintubation following unplanned extubation in critically ill post-operative patients is associated with increased hospital mortality.
Examination of outcomes in 710,535 patients in relation to the timing of ICU discharge showed that being moved out to the ward between 1800 and 0600 hours was associated with increased risks of both in-hospital death and unplanned ICU readmission.
As hospitals in the United States and other resource-intensive countries prepare for the care of patients with possible Ebola virus disease, the greatest impact on its clinical outcome and further spread will most likely come from the application of existing basic critical-care and infection-control principles.
Myocarditis can at times be asymptomatic and has a varied presentation; consequentially, it often goes undiagnosed and its true incidence is unknown
In this article and the succeeding two parts in this series, three distinctive applications of ultrasound in the ED will be discussed. The ability to perform a proficient and diagnostically effective ultrasound examination requires a judicious understanding of the underlying principles.
The value of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of CO-poisoned patients, and its ability to prevent long-term cognitive sequelae, has been debated for years among toxicology and hyperbaric experts. This study from the University of Utah addressed this difficult issue.
Crowther and associates tested the hypothesis that oral vitamin K would reduce high international normalized ratio values faster than subcutaneous vitamin K.
A systematic approach with an understanding of the pathophysiology can help the clinician correctly diagnose and treat metabolic alkalosis, a condition that carries a high morbidity and mortality rate.