Emergency Medicine General
Was Specialist Involved in Your Patient's Care?
Did a surgeon examine your abdominal pain patient, or did a gastroenterologist give a second opinion on a complex issue? Unless this is documented appropriately, the ED physician may be the only one left "on the hook" if a bad outcome occurs. -
Non-adherence: A New Way to Measure
FDA Actions
Another Warfarin Replacement on Horizon
Fever in Infants < 3 Months Old: What is the Current Standard?
Fever has been recognized as a symptom of illness for centuries. It is especially concerning when it is associated with a young infant. -
Rapid Sequence Induction in Trauma
Debate exists over the use of certain medications in rapid sequence induction (RSI) for critically ill patients requiring intubation. -
Emergency Medicine Reports - Full December 6, 2010 Issue in Streaming Audio/Downloadable MP3 Format
Emergency Medicine Reports - Full November 22, 2010 Issue in Streaming Audio/Downloadable MP3 Format
Emergency Medicine Reports - Full November 8, 2010 Issue in Streaming Audio/Downloadable MP3 Format
July 2006 Trauma Reports