Fagan and colleagues at Denver Health Medical Center examined electronic data collected on all adult patients who generated a medical surgical acute-care room charge during a recent 6-month period and remained on the ward for at least 24 hours.
In this study, the authors sought to elicit perceptions of the impact of a rapid response team (RRT) by interviewing care providers.
In this issue: Zolpidem and risk of falls; AVR and anticoagulation; statins in cancer patients; and FDA actions.
No one wants to believe that a pediatric mass casualty incident will occur where they live and work, but, unfortunately, the recent events in Boston have shown that this is a very real possibility. In the event an incident occurs, preparation, response, and management of all of the victims, including the children, are critical and will define the future for each of the victims. The author reviews the basics for preparation and steps to recognize, prepare, and maximize the possibility of a good outcome in the event of a pediatric disaster.
he American College of Surgeons in 2008 released the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) updates (eighth edition) with recommendations based on evidence-based medicine in addition to the expert consensus.