As a group, I find most emergency physicians skeptical of many of the "advanced" technologies used to treat chronic diseases. I attribute this to our biased experience with these patients; those who do well are not likely to come to the ED very often.
This systematic review and meta-analysis reviewed studies evaluating the implementation of multidisciplinary tracheostomy teams in acute care hospitals.
The purpose of this study conducted in the intensive care department of the Antwerp University Hospital in Antwerp, Belgium, was to determine if the application of earplugs to reduce sound (noise) in the ICU during the night could be beneficial in the prevention of delirium.
Although lung-protective ventilation (LPV) is widely acknowledged as one of the few interventions currently available that improves survival in patients with acute lung injury (ALI), it is poorly adopted in practice.
In this issue: Dementia and benzodiazepines; effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acid and Ginkgo biloba supplements; and FDA actions.
Patients who survive admission to the ICU often are left with long-term disabilities resulting both from their presenting illness and from the care they receive while there.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are frequently encountered in clinical medicine. According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 2.8 million infections with Chlamydia trachomatis and 700,000 infections with Neisseria gonorrhea occur annually in the United States.
The ED is a common setting for the initial evaluation of emotional and behavioral disorders, including suicidal behavior or attempts. In the United States, approximately 2 million adolescents attempt suicide each year. As the number of visits by adolescents to the ED rises and the availability of outpatient mental health services diminishes, the ED physician must be not only able to stabilize the patient medically, but also should be comfortable with differentiating organic from psychiatric disease, performing a targeted psychosocial interview, initiating treatment, and arranging for disposition.