Americans use many medications for countless medical conditions, spending about $100 billion annually. Unfortunately, partly because we use so many medications, medication error has become an important medical topic in the 21st century.
Physicians need to understand the pathophysiology, preventative strategies, and acute management of patients with altitude sickness. This article presents an overview of the spectrum of altitude illness, diagnosis, and current management strategies, as well as preventative strategies.
Exposures to toxic alcohols such as methanol, ethylene glycol, and isopropanol have been reported in the medical literature for decades. These agents are found in a variety of household products, leading to accidental ingestion in the pediatric population and intentional ingestion in the adult population as a suicidal agent or as an inexpensive substitute for ethanol.
Two-part series on complications of pregnancy.
There are, of course, a number of chart documentation methods and the goals of the various methods are all the same: 1) to memorialize the patient encounter for future reference by other caregivers; 2) to provide information for billing purposes; and 3) to create a legal document that allows quality review whether in the medical setting or in the courtroom.
Do you believe that once your patient is evaluated by an on-call consultant in your ED, you are abdicated from any future liability? "ED physicians frequently believe this, but this is absolutely not true," says James Hubler, MD, JD, assistant clinical professor of emergency medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria.