Emergency Medicine - Adult and Pediatric
Scarlet Fever and Invasive Streptococcal Disease
While most physicians are familiar with the common presentations of streptococcal infections (e.g., pharyngitis, impetigo), it is important to recognize the carrier state, learn management of common complications (e.g., peritonsillar abscess), and identify the potentially serious, and perhaps deadly, complications and invasive infections.
Envenomations Update
This article will give an overview of medically important non-marine envenomations in the United States, including their clinical manifestations, treatment, and disposition.
Identifying and Managing Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is an infectious disease that may be rapidly fatal if not rapidly recognized based on clinical findings and early institution of appropriate antibiotic therapy. The epidemiologic shift of this disease makes it important for all healthcare providers to be familiar with the current status, clinical presentation, and therapy for Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Ketamine: Old Drug, New Uses
Ketamine is a dissociative medication, the only one in its class. Most commonly used as a general anesthetic, it permits patients to tolerate acutely uncomfortable procedures while maintaining most brainstem function, such as breathing and perfusion.
Diagnosis and Management of Acute Heart Failure in the Emergency Department
This article will focus on the care of patients with acute heart failure in the emergency department, reviewing new onset and decompensation of chronic heart failure, discussing heart failure classification based on clinical presentation, and providing updated recommendations on management and disposition from the emergency department.
Pediatric Hematologic Emergencies
Hematology is a challenging area in pediatrics, with unique diseases that do not occur commonly. The authors review critical pediatric hematologic conditions that the acute care provider may encounter and provide a concise guide to diagnosis, stabilization, and management.
Novel Psychoactive Substances of Abuse: Part II
This is the second of a two-part series. Part I reviewed stimulants and started the discussion of hallucinogens and psychedelics. Part II will finish the discussion of hallucinogens and conclude with novel sedative drugs.
Novel Psychoactive Substances of Abuse: Part I
This issue is the first of a two-part series on new novel or designer psychoactive drugs. Many of them represent alterations of existing agents that exhibit new effects from the modification. Keep the possibility of intoxication with these agents in mind when evaluating patients with altered levels of consciousness and mentation.
Teen Pregnancies in the ED Part 2: Handling Complications
Teenage pregnancies have a higher incidence of adverse medical outcomes and obstetrical complications that are critical for providers to recognize and manage in a timely manner. The author provides a succinct, comprehensive review of the critical aspects of trauma in pregnancy; preeclampsia; hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome; venous thromboembolism; as well as precipitous delivery and postpartum hemorrhage.
Epistaxis: Evaluation and Management in Patients Taking Antiplatelet Drugs
Although the complaint of epistaxis often is perceived as less severe when compared to other emergency department complaints, it still may pose a challenge requiring expertise in its acute management.