Emergency Medicine - Adult and Pediatric
Medical, Law Enforcement Teams Share Expertise, Support During Dangerous Situations
One way to accelerate care to victims of mass casualty events is to direct physicians who are accustomed to working with law enforcement to respond to the scene so they can provide high-level care to victims immediately. That is part of the emerging specialty called tactical medicine.
Healthcare Leaders Identify Steps to Maximize Response to Mass Shooting Events
As mass shooting events continue, healthcare leaders are focused on how the medical response is effective and expeditious. Frontline providers who have experienced such events have first-hand knowledge about where the weak links are and can offer unique insight on how organizations can work within their regions to be better prepared.
Health Systems Start Transition to New Approach for Treating Ischemic Stroke
Alteplase has been a mainstay to treat ischemic stroke. When given within hours of an episode, evidence has shown the clot-busting medication can improve outcomes. But what if there was a drug that could deliver similar, and possibly even better, outcomes for a subset of stroke patients without some of the logistical hurdles associated with alteplase?
Promote Safety Helmet Use Among Children
The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages precautionary measures to prevent sports-related head injuries.
Ethical Considerations for Trauma-Informed Care
Use the tenets of trauma-informed care by realizing the widespread effects of trauma; recognizing signs and symptoms; responding by including knowledge about trauma in policies, procedures, and practices; and avoiding retraumatization.
Pediatric Toxic Ingestions: Dangers at Home
It is critical for healthcare providers to be aware of household substances that pose a serious risk of illness or death upon exposure to a small child. Even seemingly innocuous substances may pose a serious risk of toxicity.
Differentiating and Managing Pediatric Shock
Early recognition and management of pediatric shock is critical for acute care providers. The authors review the subtle presentations, different approaches, and management strategies to effectively manage the different types of pediatric shock.
Evaluation of Trauma in Older Adults
The healthcare system is treating more older adults with unique physiologic and anatomic considerations that must be taken into account in trauma resuscitation to maximize each patient’s outcome.
EDs Need Process for Incidental Radiology Findings
To lower the risks of “failure to notify” claims, institute clear protocols on who is responsible for dealing with abnormal test results. Educate patients on how to find out about their test results; this includes obtaining updated contact information. Finally, use electronic alerts to notify patients and providers when tests results are ready.
Med/Mal Concerns if ‘Float’ Nurses Cover the Department
Of 2,575 nurses from 50 states and Washington, DC, 26.5% reported they were “floated” or reassigned to a clinical care area that required new skills or that was outside their competency, according to a survey. Almost half reported receiving no education or preparation before they were assigned to the new unit.