Emergency Medicine - Adult and Pediatric
Nurses at Rural Facilities Explain Barriers to End-of-Life Care
Family members often disagree with one another and misunderstand the meaning of “lifesaving measures.”
Button Battery Ingestions Leading to More Pediatric ED Visits
Children are eating these tiny disks; researchers call for better laws and regulations.
Selected Orthopedic Emergencies
Musculoskeletal complaints are among the most seen conditions presenting to the emergency department (ED), accounting for nearly 20% of all ED visits. The majority of these diagnoses involve significant patient discomfort but are not typically associated with significant morbidity. However, there are a few diagnoses that are considered true orthopedic emergencies. The emergency physician should be familiar with the evaluation and management of these critical diagnoses.
An Overview of Parasites in Pediatric Patients
As we have learned from the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we are susceptible to infections from a diversity of locations. Awareness of infections that may travel to our emergency departments is critical to making an accurate diagnosis and institute appropriate treatment.
Few Malpractice Claims Involve Ultrasound
Point-of-care ultrasound has been proven to improve patient care and outcomes in many ways. But novice users express fear of litigation as a barrier.
Obstacles to ED Admission Cause Legal Problems
When faced with this tricky situation, emergency physicians should carefully document discussions and remember they are responsible for clearly communicating about the patient’s condition, test results, and indication for admission.
Obligations for EDs if Clinicians Suspect Human Trafficking
Multiple efforts are underway to improve the ability of healthcare workers to respond to human trafficking. But there has been insufficient work regarding ED readiness and properly screening for trafficking.
Legal Exposure for Hospitals if ED Nurses’ Safety Concerns Are Ignored
In the aftermath of violence in EDs, some nurses alleged long-standing workplace safety concerns went unheeded. In this scenario, there are multiple regulatory and liability concerns.
Patient Safety Report on Diagnostic Errors Is Relevant for EDs
A recent report offers specific guidance on preventing diagnostic errors, with some practices aimed at the ED.
Device Could Detect When Patient’s Condition Is Deteriorating
Researchers developed the Analytic for Hemodynamic Instability, an artificial intelligence-driven device that can provide continuous monitoring. This way, clinicians can pick up signs of patient deterioration promptly and deploy appropriate resources early.