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ED Management



  • Is the new health law a good opportunity?

    [Editor's note: ED Management issued an e-bulletin to readers on March 24, 2010, about health care reform's impact on EDs. We also described recent studies on the impact of health care reform in Massachusetts on ED crowding. ED Management issues such bulletins to keep readers informed of the latest developments in emergency management. If you wish to receive future ED Management bulletins, contact customer services at (800) 688-2421 or [email protected].]
  • 'Attitude adjustment' is key to ED success

    In the face of steadily increasing volumes (13,000 between 2008 and 2009), the ED at Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury, MD, has improved all of its operating statistics, achieving a 'door-to-bed' time of three minutes and a door-to-doc time of 21 minutes.
  • Will longer wait times mean more ED lawsuits?

    Did a patient wait a long time in your ED, and did that patient have an adverse outcome? If these two events can be linked together by a plaintiff's attorney, it could result in a successful malpractice lawsuit against your staff or your institution.
  • ED Accreditation Update: Sentinel Event Alert issued on maternal deaths — ED plays important role in prevention

    In a new Sentinel Event Alert, The Joint Commission focused on an issue to which ED managers are no strangers.
  • ED cuts LWBS from 5% to 0.5%

    Recognizing that ED wait times and throughput are affected by the entire hospital, the leaders at King's Daughters Medical Center in Ashland, KY, engaged all the departments that interface with the ED and slashed the rate at which ED patients leave before treatment from 5% to 0.5%.
  • ED documentation aids certification

    A change in documentation procedures in the ED played a significant role in making it possible for Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver to receive certification as an advanced primary stroke center by The Joint Commission.
  • Expanded MEWS is more predictive

    Many facilities and EDs use the tool called the modified early warning score (MEWS), which includes questions about the patient's health state, to determine if patients are getting sicker and if they require transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU).
  • Crash injuries may be missed in the elderly — know the complexities

    A review of the literature has revealed that injuries in the elderly resulting from motor vehicle crashes has been underdetected, and resulted in patients being inappropriately treated or assigned to nontrauma centers. The article was published in the January 2010 issue of the Journal of Emergency Nursing.
  • HHS unveils strategy for disaster response

    With the release of the National Health Security Strategy ( and interim implementation guide for protecting public health in a large-scale emergency, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has taken the first step toward the realization of a vision long held by emergency response individuals and organizations: a cohesive plan to be followed by everyone in the nation who is involved in disaster response.
  • ED makes lemonade out of lemons

    An adverse event in the ED at University Medical Center (UMC) in Las Vegas might have drawn negative media coverage and state and federal investigations, but it also led to process changes that the ED managers say have made a world of difference in patient satisfaction and quality.