Discharge Planning
Five years later, hospitals still struggle with readmissions
Despite the huge focus on reducing 30-day readmission rates, a majority of hospitals are still getting penalized.
The Top 10 Mistakes You May Be Making In Your Case Management Department! Part 3
This month, we will be discussing three more of the top 10 mistakes that your department may be making and how to potentially improve or eliminate them.
CMS proposes to OK one-midnight inpatient stays
CMS has proposed that stays shorter than two midnights be reimbursed as inpatient stays if the documentation in the medical record supports it.
Bundled payment initiative means eliminating silos, standardizing care
The bundled payment arrangement at Abington-Jefferson Health in Pennsylvania has improved communication between all members of the treatment team and eliminated silos between the inpatient and outpatient sides of the hospital.
Adequate CM staff is vital as reimbursement models change
Case managers can’t do what is necessary to help their hospital succeed under the new global payment models if they are busy juggling care coordination for 25 or 30 patients.
New payment models require a shift in thinking
Under the DRG payment system, case managers have been pressured to get patients out of the hospital as quickly and safely as possible, but that’s not the case in bundled payment arrangements.
Get ready: Bundled payments are in your future
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ mandatory bundled payment pilot project makes clear that the agency intends to reform Medicare reimbursement.
The Top 10 Mistakes You May Be Making In Your Case Management Department!: Part 2
Last month, we began our discussion of the top 10 mistakes you may be making in your case management department. After 30 years of experience in testing and retesting hospital case management models, it is safe to say that we have identified some basic elements that make for a contemporary and state-of-the-art case management department. In this month’s Case Management Insider, we will continue our discussion of the top 10 mistakes by reviewing mistake numbers 3-5.
Get ready for ICD-10: It’s really going into effect
After a series of fits and starts, it appears that ICD-10 will take effect on Oct. 1.
IPPS proposed rule is more of the same with emphasis on quality
When the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics embarked on its discharge collaborative project to improve patient satisfaction with the discharge process, the organization’s Patient and Family Advisors were an important part of the process.