Discharge Planning
What Does Population Health Really Mean for Case Managers and Social Workers?
Population health has a fundamental goal to help high-risk individuals with chronic conditions to remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
Bundled Payment Program ‘Changed the Landscape of Case Management’
Healthcare professionals are continuing to evaluate the progress of bundled payments as a way to manage the care received by patients.
Motivational Interviewing Gains Strength in Patient-centered Care
An increasingly prominent practice centers on motivational interviewing as a way to help patients change behaviors, with a focus on helping them understand why those changes are needed.
Case Management Program Helps Cancer Patients Navigate Care
Patients with high-acuity needs require 24-hour assistance every day, and families can easily become burned out from filling this role.
Best Practices in Improving Morning Inpatient Bed Access
One hospital has developed a nine-step program involving case managers to improve patient flow and discharge efficiency.
Case Managers Can Help With Overcrowded EDs and Hospitals
The key to improving bed flow and efficiency is to implement a program that increases morning discharges, freeing up space earlier for additional patients.
Ethics Involvement Needed With Complex Discharges
Ethicists are seeing increasing numbers of consults involving concerns with discharge planning.
Health System’s Transitional Care Program Includes Out-of-area Patients
Some of the biggest challenges in care transition involve bridging patient care between the hospital and the community — especially when the community is hundreds of miles away.
Emergency Clinicians Steer Patients With Substance Use Problems Into Effective Treatment
Baltimore has struggled mightily with substance misuse, and much of this burden has fallen on EDs in the region. Indeed, statistics from 2014 suggest that the city registered the highest rate of ED use due to opioid use disorder in the country, and the volume has not let up.
Optimal Case Management Leadership Requires Subtlety, Advocacy
Hospital case managers are leaders, whether they realize it or not. Their role in standing up for patients and speaking with other healthcare professionals about patients’ needs provides case managers with leadership skills.