Discharge Planning
Healthcare Facility Uses Lean Principles to Enact Systemwide Culture Change
A hospital’s process improvement (PI) could begin with a focus on reducing gaps in quality service. The Cleveland Clinic started such a process, focusing on engaging all employees in process improvement — rather than leaving the work to one PI team.
Risk Assessment Tool Helps Identify People in Need of Case Management
The Valley Risk Assessment Tool, created by The Valley Hospital of Ridgewood, NJ, is a two-page, two-column chart that assigns a level to each category of risk.
Tips to Improve Quality and Efficiency in Case Management Departments
One of the first steps to streamline case management operations is to reassign staff to new roles, such as focused discharge planning jobs and utilization review.
Team-Based Case Management Improves Care Coordination
A health system’s focus on revamping its care coordination led to a reduction in some 30-day readmissions, as well as other benefits.
Case Management for Patients With Cancer Can Improve Care
A pilot project that provided nursing case management for frail cancer patients was designed to improve their care and outcomes by making it easier for them to navigate the care continuum. Case managers collaborate with the patient’s team, discussing the patient’s needs, reviewing their medical records, and verifying their benefits.
The Case Manager’s Toolbox: The Essential Skills of an Effective Case Manager, Part 1
The RN case manager’s expertise is the vital link between the individual, the provider, the payer, and the community. Successful outcomes cannot be achieved without using specialized skills and knowledge applied through the case management process.
CMS 2020 Final Rules: Inpatient and Long-Term Acute Care
Antimicrobial resistance represents a serious risk for Medicare beneficiaries and the general public. CMS is finalizing an alternative new technology add-on payment pathway for antimicrobial products designated by FDA as Qualified Infectious Disease Products.
Strategic Program Shortens Urban Hospital’s Length of Stay
As urban hospitals grapple with length of stay penalties, they must help their patients solve everyday problems. Lack of resources is a fact of life for inner city residents, and hospitals need to find a way to help those patients overcome those obstacles — and reduce length of stay.
Hospital Collaborates With EMS to Bring Case Management to Homes
An Ohio hospital’s population included people with lower income, less education, and many health challenges. Case management could help once these people entered the hospital, but the challenge was to prevent the problems that first led to ED visits and rehospitalizations.
‘Person-Centered’ vs. ‘Patient-Centered’ Care
Long-term support services should provide “person-centered care,” according to a 2014 rule from CMS. In everyday patient care, this translates into a focus on learning a patient’s wants and needs, which helps the case manager align treatment with the patient’s desires.