Discharge Planning
Can JCAHO, NCQA, AMAP pull joint effort off?
Aggressive HIV treatment cost-effective
Average Annualized Costs of Treating Opportunistic Infections
Best practices from successful hospitals
Partnership aims to cut unnecessary ED use
Scottsdale (AZ) Health System and the City of Scottsdale Fire Department are teaming up to treat patients at the right level of care and avoid unnecessary trips to the emergency department and hospitalizations.Program bridges acute, post-acute care
Torrance (CA) Memorial Health System instituted Total Wellness Torrance, a multi-pronged approach to reducing preventable readmissions.ED staff, paramedics work to reduce readmits
Duke Raleigh Hospital's emergency department staff and the county's team of advanced practice paramedics work together to prevent readmissions among patients who are high utilizers of the healthcare system.Joint statement on vaccine mandates
Hospitals concerned about final pay rules
Supervisors are key to creating safety climate
"Safety culture" has been an important buzzword in occupational health for many years.