Don't you feel like you've given yourself a gift when you redeem those points that you earned with your credit card? A free flight, a no-cost hotel stay, or dinner at a restaurant you've always wanted to try, are all rewards offered by credit card programs in an attempt to keep you a loyal, paying customer.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) now requires certain durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers to post a surety bond.
At Regence, a health insurer in the northwest mountain state region, case managers and disease managers work hand in hand and share an electronic care management software system that allows them to seamlessly manage the care of their Medicare Advantage members.
A one-year study that followed 252 patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) shows that home-based rehabilitation can produce the same results that outpatient hospital-based rehabilitation.
It's a situation case managers encounter with agonizing frequency: physicians who keep pumping medication into patients who are terminally ill or families who insist on continuing treatment when the clinical picture indicates that the patient's condition is terminal.
If you want to effectively help patients and family members with end-of-life issues, you need to examine your own feelings about death and dying, says Catherine M. Mullahy, RN, BS, CRRN, CCM.
Despite an increasing number of visits to the emergency department, Nyack (NY) Hospital has been able to meet its standard of 30-minute service 95% of the time and decreased its discharge length of stay in the ED by 35%.
In today's health care environment, case managers are under more pressure than ever to discharge patients from acute care; but before you send patients home with home health care, home medical equipment, or hospice services, make sure that they are appropriate for those services, advises Elizabeth Hogue, Esq., a Washington-DC based attorney specializing in health care issues.
If your hospital is like most, patients admitted through the emergency department are being held, possibly in hallways, for hours and even days.
The largest health plans appear to be in the process of adopting guidelines from the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) for machine-readable insurance cards, according to Peter Barry, of Peter T. Barry Co., a Milwaukee-based consulting firm specializing in health care and information systems. Barry is chair of WEDI's initiative on health identification cards.