EPs Motivated to Learn What Happened to Patients
Emergency physicians must follow up with patients on any test results pending that were ordered in the ED, especially if said test reveals something troubling, like a lung nodule via X-ray.
To Bolster Antibiotic Stewardship, Refine Culture Follow-Up Process
Appoint a dedicated person who sifts through culture reports, reviews old culture data, and follows up with patients. Ideally, this person would be an expert around the antibiotic spectrum who could tailor therapy to culture results.
Loneliness, Depression Tied to Higher Risk for COVID-19 Hospitalization
Assessing psychological risk factors may be just as important as considering physical risk factors.
Bloodstream Infections During COVID-19
Severity of illness, prolonged hospital stays, use of mechanical ventilation, and use of immune-modulating agents in patients with COVID-19 may have contributed to observed increases in hospital-acquired blood stream infections and attendant mortality.
Why Some Children Develop Severe COVID-19 Disease
Severe outcomes included cardiovascular complications, neurologic complications, respiratory problems, and infectious-related issues. Those with pre-existing chronic disease, older age, and longer symptom duration put them at serious risk for severe outcomes.
ACC Publishes Guidance on Managing Cardiovascular Ailments Post-COVID Infection
Expert panel created document to help clinicians manage patients with myocarditis and other long COVID problems associated with SARS-CoV-2.
Long-Term Care Facilities Cut Superfluous Antibiotic Use
Locations that adhered to federal safety program reported more success in this area.
Understanding Each COVID-19 Test’s Strengths and Weaknesses
Considering that testing over multiple days is not practical in the ED, clinicians with access to relatively rapid RT-PCR testing probably will opt for the more sensitive test. However, the antigen test offers a good option to urgent care centers or EDs that lack access to a sophisticated lab.
SARS-CoV-2 as a North American Zoonosis
COVID-19 has become a North American zoonosis endemic in the Northeastern white-tailed deer population. Whether it causes symptomatic infection is unclear, but most infections likely are subclinical, with viral shedding in nasal secretions and feces. Now that infection has become established in this animal group, it likely will spread easily.
Abnormal Vitals Linked to Unanticipated Death After ED Discharge
Repeating vital signs before discharge is key to averting disaster.