Insomnia is relatively common and experienced around the world. Estimates have identified prevalence rates ranging from 5-50%.
On december 6, 2011, the food and drug administra- tion (FDA) announced that "HCG products marketed as weight loss aids are unproven and illegal."
Behavioral therapy works as well as drug treatment for male overactive bladder.
Results from this small pilot trial suggest that clinical hypnosis, massage, and energy work can all be offered to people receiving chemotherapy without interfering with conventional medical care. The findings also suggest little clinical benefit, but there are considerable study limitations, and the findings speak more to feasibility than to therapeutic utility.
This is the final article in a three-part series about the design and conduct of clinical research. The first installment discussed how research begins with the formulation of research questions, and the second reviewed the strengths and limitations of some common study designs. This article will discuss a few key issues in the analysis and interpretation of research findings.
Nutrition is a controversial topic, perhaps because with only minimal effort it is possible to find seemingly credible people advocating for totally opposite messages. In the realm of public media, it is even worse.
Despite public confusion, reviewing the evidence relating nutrition to health and disease yields more clarity than most people realize.
The idiopathic inflammatory myopathies are a heterogeneous group of autoimmune syndromes characterized by subacute or chronic muscle weakness and skeletal muscle inflammation. Of the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, the best recognized subsets are polymyositis, dermatomyositis, inclusion body myositis (IBM), and the newly described autoimmune necrotizing myopathy.
Behavioral therapy works as well as drug treatment for male overactive bladder.