Dementia/Alzheimer Disease
Effect of Diet on Hippocampal Volume in a Population at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in community-dwelling people (average age of 60 years) found that a long-term, high-quality diet was associated with larger hippocampal volumes after an average interval of 11 years.
Predicting Future Dementia With Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an innovative imaging device that measures thickness of retinal nerve fiber layers and ganglion cells. Thinning of these layers is associated with current and future risk of dementia.
Use of Amyloid PET Imaging for Diagnosis of Dementia
The use of amyloid positron emission tomography scanning to assist in accurate diagnosis of patients with symptoms of cognitive impairment as well as frank dementia results in a change of diagnosis in at least 25% of patients.
Predicting the Risk of Late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Based on Common Genetic Variants
Using a genetic risk score of 23 common genetic variants and apolipoprotein E genotype could help stratify individuals into those very likely to those very unlikely to develop late-onset Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Longitudinal tau PET as an Outcome Measure for Clinical Trials
tau PET imaging shows progression of brain Alzheimer’s pathology over time and correlates with cognitive impairment better than amyloid PET. In future clinical trials, tau PET can serve as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease progression.
Rapid Screening for Future Risk of Parkinson’s Disease Dementia
The Montreal Parkinson Risk of Dementia Scale provides a simple eight-item screening tool with high predictive value for developing Parkinson’s disease dementia.
Sleep Habits and the Development of Dementia
The relationship between quality of sleep and the development of dementia is controversial and not yet clearly elucidated nor understood.
Lessons Learned From a Failed Anti-amyloid Trial for Alzheimer’s Disease
Despite the disappointing results in EXPEDITION 3, modifications of clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) should be undertaken and trials targeting preclinical or early AD should continue with anti-amyloid agents.
Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in Older Women With Pelvic Floor Disorders
Mild cognitive impairment and early dementia are prevalent in women seeking care for pelvic floor disorders.
Lifestyle Approaches to Prevent and Manage Cognitive Impairment
Despite billions of dollars in research and nearly 200 medications tested for dementia, pharmacologic treatment for Alzheimer’s disease is severely limited in effectiveness and safety. With the disappointing benefits of drug treatment, the promise of lifestyle changes to prevent and delay cognitive decline appears hopeful.