Mean daily doses of up to 40 mg of prednisone equivalents and lengthy ICU stays were associated with impaired physical outcomes in patients who survived acute lung injury.
In this retrospective study of extubation outcomes in five ICUs at a single medical center, patients extubated at night had no increase in adverse events and their mortality rates and lengths of ICU stay were lower.
In this large prospective study of trauma patients, the most important factor associated with post-traumatic seizures was the presence of alcohol intoxication.
A large, multicenter clinical trial that compared protocol-based care to usual care for patients presenting to emergency departments with early sepsis and septic shock found no differences in clinical outcomes. However, early recognition and therapy was beneficial and should be the standard of care.
Compared to manual surveillance methods, an electronic surveillance tool for catheter-associated urinary tract infections had a high negative predictive value but a low positive predictive value.
Patients on mechanical ventilation who were managed with both conservative fluid administration and aggressive diuresis weaned faster, had significantly more ventilator-free days, and experienced reduced incidences of both ventilator-associated complications and ventilator-associated pneumonia.
During my final year of interventional cardiology training, a woman in her 60s was brought emergently to the cath lab in cardiogenic shock, with diffuse ST-segment elevations.