Critical Care
Emergency Medicine Reports - Full October 19, 2014 Issue in PDF
Emergency Medicine Reports - Full December 6, 2010 Issue in PDF
Abstract & Commentary: Early Aggressive Therapy to Reduce Serum Lactate Levels Improves Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients
Carried out in four ICUs in the Netherlands, this study evaluated the effects of a serum lactate-guided resuscitation protocol during initial management of critically ill patients with elevated lactate levels, as compared to standard management not guided by serial lactate measurements. -
Abstract & Commentary: Feasibility of Early Mobilization Therapy in Mechanically Ventilated Patients
Intensive care unit (ICU) survivors experience various morbidities that can limit long-term recovery. One of the most common problems, neuromuscular weakness, has been -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care supplement
Critical Care Alert January 2011 Issue in PDF
Special Feature: Evaluation for Extubation
Extubation is defined as removal of the endotracheal tube. The decision to extubate is usually based on three considerations: 1) need for invasive respiratory support; 2) patency of the upper airway; and 3) ability to clear secretions from the lower respiratory tract. -
Pharmacology Watch: Rivaroxaban: Another Warfarin Replacement
In this issue: Rivaroxaban may be dabigatran's first competitor; a new way to measure non-adherence to medication therapy; FDA Actions. -
Sibutramine pulled from market
Tiotropium for uncontrolled asthma