As the number of foreign-born individuals in the United States continues to grow, the emergency physician must be adept at handling the medical issues unique to this population.
Thomson American Health Consultants offers the Hospital Handbook on Smallpox Vaccination, a facilitywide resource for the information you need about smallpox vaccination in most health care facilities.
The Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) is a bedside ultrasound examination used primarily by emergency physicians and trauma surgeons to identify free intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, or pericardial fluid. This article describes the sonographic acoustic windows and technique of the FAST examination.
In the United States, physicians trained in internal medicine provide a substantial portion of the care of critically ill patients.
Synopsis: Physicians rated the quality of ICU care higher than nurses, and these health care providers opionions did not correlate with those of patients. Patients perceived satisfaction with their care waas rated higher by physicians than by either nurses or patients.
The FDA has mandated a Black Box warning for all estrogen and estrogen/progestin products for use by postmenopausal women. The new warnings are based on analysis of data from the Womens Health Initiative (WHI) study that was published July 2002.
Synopsis: In this small study, differences in the respiratory rate to tidal volume ratio (RTVR) after 1 hour of spontaneous breathing with ATC were a good predictor of whether patients would remain extubated or require reintubation. But was it really better than other tests?