Critical Care
Emergency Department Consultation: Improving Communication Between Health Care Providers
Communication within the team is essential. Vital information is often lost during transitions of care. Even when the same team is caring for the patient, communication about the care plan is important. This article is about one of those situations, when we call in a consultant. -
Emergency Medicine Reports - Full January 1, 2012 Issue in PDF
Trauma Reports Supplement
Emergency Medicine Reports - Full January 1, 2012 Issue in Streaming Audio/Downloadable MP3 Format
Trauma Reports - Full January/February 2012 Issue in PDF
Gunshot Wounds: Management and Myths
Whether urban, suburban, or rural in location, every emergency department manages the victims of gunshot wounds, some more frequently than others. It is essential to follow the principles of the management of penetrating trauma and not get distracted by impressive wounds. -
Emergency Medicine Reports - Full December 5, 2011 Issue in Streaming Audio/Downloadable MP3 Format
Penetrating and Blunt Cardiac Trauma
Penetrating and blunt cardiac trauma are serious causes of morbidity and mortality. Presentation for blunt cardiac trauma may be subtle and nonspecific, challenging the clinician to make a timely diagnosis. -
Trauma Reports - Full March/April 2012 Issue in PDF
Assessment and Management of Migraine Headaches in the Emergency Department
Treating pain in the ED is relatively straightforward if the cause is obvious like a broken leg or acute myocardial infarction for which there is clear evidence for the diagnosis. Treating pain is somewhat more problematic when there is no diagnostic test. So it is with headaches, especially the severe migraine types.