Critical Care
Prone Positioning in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
A review of the potential benefits and uses of prone positioning in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
Patients with Higher Renin Levels May Derive More Benefit from Angiotensin II Treatment
Serum renin concentration in patients with catecholamine-resistant vasodilatory shock may identify those for whom treatment with angiotensin II has improved intensive care unit outcomes.
Convalescent Plasma Therapy Does Not Affect Time to Clinical Improvement in Patients with Severe and Life-Threatening COVID-19
This was a randomized, open-label, multicenter trial of intravenous convalescent plasma infusion (4 mL/kg to 13 mL/kg) therapy. Convalescent plasma therapy was not associated with improvements in mortality or time to clinical improvement.
A Review of Current Therapeutics for Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia
The aim of this special feature is to review therapeutic options for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.
An Anatomical Review of Trauma to the Mouth and Throat
Trauma to the mouth and throat is very common. Fortunately, the majority of the injuries are minor, but early and timely recognition of critical, potentially devastating injuries is essential. The authors provide a thorough review highlighting critical injuries and their management.
Norepinephrine Infusion Through Peripheral Intravenous Lines: Is it Safe?
In a large perioperative patient population, norepinephrine infusion through peripheral intravenous lines did not result in any significant adverse events. However, the specific patient population, limited duration of infusion, and hospital setting may limit the generalizability of these findings.
Do We Really Know the Optimal Oxygen Target in Patients with ARDS?
In the LOCO2 study, a conservative oxygen strategy with SpO2 goals of 88% to 92% was not shown to improve mortality over a liberal oxygen strategy as hypothesized, but rather was found to have a worrisome signal of increased mortality and increased mesenteric ischemia.
Management of Pulmonary-Renal Syndrome
The role of the intensivist in the management of pulmonary-renal syndrome includes appropriate respiratory support and recognition and management of concurrent infection, hypovolemia, acute anemia, and coagulopathy.
End-of-Life Care Should Not Vary Depending on Provider
Clinicians must be careful about imposing medical staff priorities over patients’ priorities. Making presumptions is dangerous. Ethicists can help by explaining the provider’s responsibility to offer accurate information.
Physicians Reported Moral Distress About Surrogate Decision-Makers
Parties clash regarding comfort levels and how aggressive treatment should be. The lack of advance directives for so many patients exacerbates the problem. Nurses and other colleagues can join the conversations to assist or outright substitute for physicians who are unwilling or unable to engage deeply.