n this study of physicians working in French adult ICUs, evidence of burnout was present in nearly half. Burnout was more likely in female physicians, in those who were not married, and among those who reported strained relationships with colleagues and staff nurses.
A combination of topical and systemic therapies was associated with successful MRSA decolonization.
Delirium occurred in about one-third of patients in this study of a mixed medical-surgical ICU population. It was more frequent in more seriously ill patients, and also in those with hypertension, alcoholism, and the effects of sedative and analgesic drugs.
Vancomycin was inferior to cefazolin in the treatment of MSSA bacteremia in chronic hemodialysis patients in a retrospective study.
Aspirin can be life saving in patients with acute coronary events, but its use in patients with cancer, particularly in those with thrombocytopenia, is often avoided, presumably for fear of hemorrhagic complications.
Status epilepticus, in the setting of cancer, is treatable and does not appear to increase mortality above the risk of the underlying disease.
Very little else evokes the visceral response of watching someone vomit blood. Emergency physicians deal with bleeding in many arenas, but gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding is one type that in the past has offered limited options for treatment in the emergency department.