Domestic violence is a serious problem that, unfortunately, is seen all too commonly in our emergency departments. Statistics show, however, that physicians, including emergency physicians, are not good at identifying victims of domestic violence.
In a child who is critically injured there is the potential for many serious or life-threatening injuries. The initial focus must always be to stabilize the child's airway and breathing and, then, rapidly identify shock and aggressively correct volume deficits.
Everyone who provides care for patients in emergency departments is well aware of the annual winter-spring spike in patient volume due to influenza disease and its complications.
In North America, rotavirus gastroenteritis is a predictable winter epidemic every year--young children presenting to emergency departments and outpatient clinics with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and varying degrees of dehydration.
In this randomized-controlled trial, Koeman and associates wanted to determine the effect of two oral decontaminating gels, chlorhexidine 2% (CHX) or chlorhexidine 2% plus colistin 2% (CHX/COL), compared to a placebo, on the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in patients requiring more than 48 hours of mechanical ventilation.