Although protocol-driven sedation and analgesia management has been shown to improve patient outcomes, adherence to these guidelines is often poor.
In This Issue: Shingles vaccine added to CDC list of vaccines for adults 60 and older; CDC recommends Tdap for postpartum women; new study suggests sequential therapy with antibiotics for H. pylori may be more effective than standard therapy; FDA Actions.
In this Issue: Pioglitazone and heart disease; ARBs manufacturers spend
millions to show the non-inferiority of their products compared to less
expensive, generic ACE inhibitors; some athletes turn to growth hormone
because it is difficult to detect; FDA Actions
For 2 years beginning in February, 2005, every patient admitted to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) had blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) measured at the time of admission and (if still in the hospital) 4 days later. A standardized set of clinical and laboratory data was also acquired for each patient, per hospital routine.
Starting 4 months after publication of the ARDS Network's landmark study showing improved outcomes in patients with acute lung injury (ALI) or the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) when low-tidal-volume, lung-protective ventilation (LPV) was used, investigators at the University of Pennsylvania prospectively identified 88 patients who met the accepted American-European Consensus Conference definition of ALI-ARDS.
While only a minority of patients with asthma exacerbations require ICU admission, these patients are challenging to manage because they typically have already failed treatment in the outpatient and emergency department (ED) settings.
Casserly and colleagues administered a case-based questionnaire to physician and nursing staffs at 2 large teaching hospitals in Ireland, to determine their knowledge and experience with respect to a common and potentially deadly event in mechanically ventilated patients with fresh tracheostomies: dislodgement of the tube from the airway during vigorous coughing.
Despite the large role that vasopressors play in the management of septic shock, an unfortunately common problem associated with high mortality, few data exist to support using one vasopressor regimen over another.
This study from the department of surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis sought to determine the effect on extubation and reintubation rates of implementing a mandatory daily spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) in every qualifying ventilated patient and reporting its results to the physicians managing that patient.