The fatal overdose of an infant last year at Seattle Children's hospital has resulted in another death: The nurse at fault committed suicide.
A woman gave birth to a baby at 24 weeks gestation. Physicians at the hospital ordered that the baby receive parenteral nutrition (PN). The amount to be administered to the child was documented in the child's birth as being calculated according to "standard protocol." For 11 days, the hospital administered the PN solution intravenously without incident.
The much anticipated proposed rule on accountable care organizations (ACOs) has healthcare providers studying their markets and trying to determine whether this brave new world of managed care will benefit them or just pose more risks than they are willing to take. For risk managers in particular, there are serious concerns about how ACO participation might set up the provider for charges of fraud and abuse.
Latex gloves are back on the public agenda.
Social media is opening up new avenues for delivering health and safety information.
Make sure your health care workers are handling hazardous drugs safely.
The Joint Commission's proposed changes in the influenza vaccination standard for hospitals include the following:
Hospitals aren't doing enough to protect their employees from infectious diseases, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) administrator David Michaels, PhD, MD, told employee health professionals in a recent Webinar for members of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare (AOHP).
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Science blog (www.cdc.gov/niosh/blog/), Twitter (twitter.com/niosh/), Flickr (www.flickr.com/photos/niosh/), YouTube (www.youtube.com/user/NIOSHSafetyVideos), Facebook and MySpace.
Proposed changes in a Joint Commission infection control standard may accelerate the trend toward mandatory influenza vaccination policies.