Contraceptive Technology Update
New CDC Report Emphasizes Importance of Zika Screening
It's vital to test all pregnant women with possible exposure to Zika virus regardless of whether they exhibited symptoms of Zika, and to test infants born to mothers with possible Zika virus infection.
Report: Hormonal Contraception Safer Than Expected for Women with Diabetes
Study results expand pregnancy planning options for women who present with diabetes.
Reproductive Health and Rights Face Period of Crisis
The Trump administration and the 115th Congress will have powerful levers at their disposal to roll back decades’ worth of progress in sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Offer Reproductive Life Planning for Adolescents
The CDC recommends all persons capable of having a child create a reproductive life plan.
Research Looks at Antibiotic Option for Gonorrhea
A drug under investigation could be used as an alternative to ceftriaxone injection as a component of recommended therapy for gonorrhea, replacing the need for intramuscular injection.
College Health Services Are Making the Grade
College health centers are playing a pivotal role in the introduction and performance of timely sexually transmitted infection screenings.
Does Weight Gain Play a Role in Women’s Contraceptive Choices?
Concerns about weight gain may be driving contraception choices, new data released by Penn State College of Medicine indicate.
LARC for the Medically Complicated Patient
Few medical conditions are absolute contraindications to long-acting reversible contraceptive methods.
Just Two HPV Shots Recommended for Younger Teens
The CDC now recommends that 11- to 12-year-olds receive two doses of HPV vaccine at least six months apart, rather than the previously recommended three doses.
Link Between Early Menopause, Higher Risk of Fracture Confirmed
A new analysis of data from the Women’s Health Initiative trial indicates an increased risk of fracture among women who reported early menopause (age 40 or younger), regardless of whether they were treated with hormone therapy and/or calcium and vitamin D supplementation.