Contraceptive Technology Update
Study: Women Use Female Condoms More When Their Partners Approve
Female (internal) condoms were hailed as a method that gave women control over their disease protection. But one factor was overlooked: Women’s reproductive health decisions are influenced by male partners.
Marketing a Male Contraceptive Plays Role in Availability
The marathon race for finding an effective and safe male contraceptive has reached a hurdle that was not as much of a barrier for the research race to bring the first female contraceptive to market: Someone needs to prove men want their own contraceptive and will use whatever method succeeds.
Fledgling Research Holds Promise for Safe, On-Demand Male Contraceptive Pill
Researchers have found a possible way to target soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC:ADY10), which is essential for male fertility.
New Male Contraceptive Options in the Pipeline
There is a wide variety of potential male contraceptive products in the research pipeline. Hormonal contraceptive products have been studied a long time, but nonhormonal products also are under study.
New Male Contraceptives May Be on the Horizon
Researchers across the world are studying hormonal and nonhormonal male contraceptive products in hopes of being the first to bring a new, reversible contraceptive for men to market within the next 10 to 20 years.
Stress Linked to STIs, Poor Sexual Health of Black Women
Black women with high levels of stress are more likely to experience sexually transmitted infections and poor sexual and reproductive health, according to the authors of new research.
Disparities Found When Women Visit Reproductive Health Providers
Results of a new study revealed Black women are more likely to be asked about their sexual risk behavior and condom use than are white women in sexual health counseling settings.
Engaging Young Males in Family Planning Settings
By the time most American adolescents reach the age of 13 they stop seeing a pediatrician. Young females most often transition seamlessly to a provider for gynecologic and contraceptive needs that connects them, even if loosely, to providers who can flag health issues beyond gynecological needs. However, young males often do not have a regular healthcare provider who serves as a gatekeeper for their ongoing health needs.
Study Reveals Connection Between Condom Use and Sexual Stimuli Response
Researchers studied a population of young adult women at risk of sexually transmitted infections and HIV. They hypothesized that women with higher positive affective bias to sexual stimuli would report higher sexual risk behaviors. But the opposite proved to be true.
Study Results Highlight Challenge of Ruling out Pregnancy During Contraceptive Counseling
The recommended ways of ruling out patient pregnancy before starting a new contraceptive include a pregnancy test, the date of the patient’s last unprotected sexual intercourse, and the patient’s symptoms. But there often are cases where it is difficult to rule out pregnancy.