Hospital Liable for $29.5 Million for Delayed Treatment of Allergic Reaction During CT Scan
This serious injury and significant verdict demonstrate the requirement not only that hospitals must create effective policies and procedures for patients experiencing adverse outcomes but actually implement and follow those procedures.
More Robust Informed Consent Needed for Telemedicine
This modality requires an emphasis on making sure patients understand the limitations of telemedicine at the same time it is being promoted as the new, modern way to interact with healthcare professionals.
NIST Report Shows Threats to Medical Devices
A draft report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology examines cybersecurity vulnerabilities and privacy risks related to the medical devices connected to the internet of things.
Cybersecurity Experts Warn Hospitals About Device Security Risks
Medical devices may not be the first priority when healthcare organizations address cybersecurity, but risk managers should make sure they are included in defensive efforts, say cybersecurity experts.
Hacked Medical Devices Can Threaten Patient Safety
Security concerns with healthcare technology often involve safeguarding protected health information, but there is a real threat to patient safety from hackers accessing the medical devices used in treating patients.
Reporting Individual Results to Research Participants
Noting that IRBs historically have “actively discouraged the disclosure of research results to individual participants,” a recently published consensus report calls for a paradigm shift toward transparency and disclosure of findings to research subjects.
NIH Reaches Out to Native Americans to Join All of Us Study
The National Institutes of Health is treading carefully and erring on the side of communication and inclusion in asking American Indian and Alaska Natives to participate in the All of Us precision research initiative.
Meaningful Informed Consent Tells People What They Want to Know
Informed consent forms should provide information that a reasonable person would like to have and that would help an informed person make a decision on whether to participate in a study.
Managing Conflicts of Interest Requires Time, Expertise
Research institutions could improve their conflicts of interest management by devoting staff or departmental resources to the issue.
Recent Controversy About Conflicts of Interest Highlights Need for Strong Policies
In the wake of recent controversy, some institutions are revisiting their own conflict of interest policies and practices.