A team of patient access specialists consisting of top performers, role models within the division, and lead personnel offer a wide range of expertise and experience to registrars at Carolinas HealthCare System in Charlotte, NC, reports Christina Baugh, supervisor of PRN registrars and Patient Financial Service Specialists for corporate patient access.
Claims denials at The University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville have increased 20% to 30%, particularly from major payers including The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, United Healthcare, and Humana, according to Stephen Hovan, executive director of patient fiscal services.
About half of the self-pay patients presenting for services at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville ultimately obtain Medicaid coverage, reports Marsha Kedigh, RN, MSM, director of admitting/emergency department registration/discharge station/insurance management.
The Access Center is the first contact that a referring physician has with the hospital, notes Bob Potter, RN, manager of access and preadmissions at University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora. "The first impression is the lasting impression," he says. "Customer service is our sole reason for existing."
Just a couple of years ago, registrars in the emergency department (ED) at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington collected only $100 to $1,000 a month in copays.
Payers are asking for more authorizations for high-dollar radiology procedures, and claims denials are resulting, reports Stephen Hovan, executive director of patient fiscal services at The University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, who adds that his department is seeing a 75% increase in authorizations for radiology processes.
Registrars at Carolinas HealthCare System in Charlotte, NC, benefit from "tricks of the trade" shared by specialists within the department, reports Christina Baugh, supervisor of PRN registrars and patient financial service specialists for corporate patient access.
Would you consider one-year-old uncollected account with a large outstanding balance to be a lost cause that ultimately will need to be written off?
A year after Saint Joseph-London Hospital in London, KY, began a heart failure readmissions program, 30-day readmissions dropped from 27.7% to 15.9%. A similar program for patients admitted for acute myocardial infarctions (AMI) reduced the readmissions rate from 23% to 10% in a short time.
When the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) final rule for 2012 was issued, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) stated that its goal is to encourage hospitals to provide higher quality of care at a lower cost and to promote greater efficiencies across all care settings and throughout the entire health system.