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  • OIG issues Work Plan for the next year

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has issued its Work Plan for 2012, indicating what areas will be of most interest for investigations and enforcement action. Much of the work plan involves a greater focus on the new issues raised by the changes introduced by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
  • Get real: Reactions that is, to occ health program

    If you're planning to invest in dozens of mountain bikes for sedentary office workers to ride during lunch breaks, you may abandon the idea if most admit they'd never use them because they don't want to get sweaty at work. On the other hand, if a worker tells you she wouldn't dream of using the company gym because it's too dirty, providing antibacterial wipes is an easy, low-cost solution.
  • 'No smokers' hired: Avoiding lawsuits

    Growing numbers of companies are implementing "no hire" policies for smokers, while others are imposing health premium penalties for workers who smoke. Reasons include higher health care costs, decreased productivity, and higher absenteeism all linked to smoking.
  • Injured employee? He or she may be at high risk for opioid addiction

    An employee's misuse of opioids may go undetected unless there is a positive drug screen, poor job performance, high absenteeism, erratic behavior, an accident or near miss, or an overdose. You may be the only one who can prevent this from happening.
  • Get record participation for flu shots, this year

    Despite tireless efforts to promote workplace influenza vaccination programs, the vast majority of occupational health professionals see participation rates that are far less than what they hoped for. One reason, not surprisingly, is a misconception that the vaccine itself can give you the flu.
  • OSHA: Take steps to reduce work violence

    In its compliance directive on workplace violence, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration advises employers to conduct a hazard analysis, assess needs for physical changes to reduce risk, provide employee training, and implement a variety of controls, such as bright lighting and security cameras.
  • OSHA targets workplace violence at hospitals

    Hospitals are places of high emotion and drama, of pain and fear, of last resort, and sometimes of desperation. In this patient-centered world, there has been a high tolerance of aggressive or explosive behavior. But not anymore.
  • Hospitals, providers collaborate on transitions

    In order to facilitate smooth transitions between levels of care and ensure that patients continue to recover after they are discharged from the hospital, Baystate Health, with headquarters in Springfield, MA, is partnering with post-acute providers and meeting regularly to discuss opportunities for improved patient care and partnership.
  • Multidisciplinary initiate cuts length of stay

    A multi-disciplinary initiative to make sure patients receive care in the right setting at the right time for the right reason has resulted in a drop in length-of-stay at the two hospitals in the Memorial Health Care System in Chattanooga, TN.
  • 2011 Salary Survey Results: CMs are being paid more but working longer hours

    Salaries for case managers are increasing but the vast majority of case managers are working far more than the typical 40-hour week, according to the 2011 Hospital Case Management Salary Survey.